An average person spends about 33 years of their life in bed, 26 of those sleeping and seven trying to get to sleep. If this statistic is anything to go by, sleep is one activity you’ll spend most of your life doing. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering how critical sleep is. The NIH says good sleep improves mood, brain performance, and overall health. On the other hand, lack of sleep increases the risk of many disorders and diseases. That’s why keeping your bedroom in prime condition for optimal sleep cannot be overstated. This guide will explore some easy upgrades for better sleep. Most of these upgrades are easy, but if you’re having difficulty implementing them, an interior designer can help. Assess your Sleep Space Before diving into upgrades, take a critical look at your bedroom. Identify elements that contribute positively to your sleep environment and those that may need improvement. Are your bulbs energy-efficient? Is your...
Kevin Spencer
Jan 18, 2024