Will Daylight Savings Time Become Permanent in 2023?

Will Daylight Savings Time Become Permanent in 2023?

It’s anyone’s guess whether or not we’re finally going to abandon a well-meaning but brutal practice of sleep deprivation. On March 15th of this year, the US Senate successfully passed the Sunshine Protection Act to eliminate DST (Daylight Savings Time) starting January 2023. Unfortunately, the House of Representatives has yet to move it forward. I believe the consensus is that they’d like to sleep on it. But, wouldn’t we all enjoy a little more sleep?     Ben Franklin Started This Whole Thing As A Joke Don’t blame our farmers. They had nothing to do with it. Back when Ben Franklin served as our envoy to France (1776 - 1785), he wrote a piece of satire that included ridiculous suggestions like firing off cannons at dawn to awaken people and taxing window shutters so that citizens would be discouraged from closing them to sleep in.  At the time, Ben came...
Kevin Spencer - Dec 09, 2022
A New Mattress is a Perfect Christmas Gift for Your Family

A New Mattress is a Perfect Christmas Gift for Your Family

  Buying a new mattress for Christmas might not be the first thing that pops into your mind around this time of year, but it should be. Can you think of any other gift that will be used for eight hours a day, year after year? How many "morning smiles" will a new bed give you from a good night's sleep? A new mattress really is the gift that keeps on giving.    The Best Way to Watch Christmas Movie Classics These days, family traditions are hard to keep. If you want to create a new and everlasting Christmas Family Tradition, watch your favorite Christmas movie on The Family Bed by Taylor & Wells.     This bed is ginormous, and your whole family, including your furry friends, will be able to bond while everyone enjoys a favorite Christmas movie like Home Alone, It's a Wonderful Life, Rudolph the Red-Nosed...
Brandi Johnston - Sep 19, 2022
Our Favorite Mattress World Records According To Guinness

Our Favorite Mattress World Records According To Guinness

  Ready for some fun? You may learn a few things about beds, beer, and bets. For example, Q: Can you name the man who holds the record for the most nights forced to sleep on a bed of nails? A: My friend Philip-Jon, for missing his wife’s birthday again last year.   Wanna bet? Am I the only person who didn’t know the famous Book of Guinness World Records was started by Guinness Beer? You know, the brown English beer served warm? Nope, I was wrong again, Guinness is an Irish beer. It may look like engine oil, but it’s actually a light-bodied, low-alcohol ale called a stout.   Apparently, the Irish like to spend time at the Pub. And when the stout flows freely, it’s been known for a bet debate to flare up. Before you know it, things get settled the Irish way, and then there’s a lot of...
Brandi Johnston - Feb 24, 2022
Where Do Mattress Size Names Come From?

Where Do Mattress Size Names Come From?

For those who have ever been curious and looked in to the origins of the bed, they know that mattresses have a rather interesting history. As long as humans have been around, we have always needed a place to sleep. Mattresses have changed a lot since the dawn of time and creation of man, starting with piles of vegetation and debris in the damp corner of some cave, evolving to the ever classy, stately, and royal four poster bed anchoring the center of a massive bedroom chamber occupying the corner of a house.     The modern day mattress that most of us are familiar with didn't really become widespread and popular until Zalmon G. Simmons began mass-producing them in 1926. Even though they cost $40, an amount comparable to nearly $575 today, they were so comfortable that millions of Americans began purchasing mattresses from him. Even though mattresses like...
Kevin Spencer - Dec 16, 2020
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