Ready for some fun? You may learn a few things about beds, beer, and bets. For example, Q: Can you name the man who holds the record for the most nights forced to sleep on a bed of nails? A: My friend Philip-Jon, for missing his wife’s birthday again last year. Wanna bet? Am I the only person who didn’t know the famous Book of Guinness World Records was started by Guinness Beer? You know, the brown English beer served warm? Nope, I was wrong again, Guinness is an Irish beer. It may look like engine oil, but it’s actually a light-bodied, low-alcohol ale called a stout. Apparently, the Irish like to spend time at the Pub. And when the stout flows freely, it’s been known for a bet debate to flare up. Before you know it, things get settled the Irish way, and then there’s a lot of...
Brandi Johnston
Feb 24, 2022