Adjustable Mattresses Can Help With Snoring


There are at least a half dozen ways an adjustable mattress can help relieve snoring. Today, we're going to review several of them. The first thing to consider is that unless you're going to record yourself while you sleep or your sleep partner is willing to share the truth, you can never tell if you snore and, if so, how bad it really is.


It's funny -- at first

When you're young, and the subject of snoring first comes up, some people find it funny. The trouble is initially; snoring can be as mild as a soft purr. But as we get older, that soft purr can transform into the roar of a chainsaw.

That's not funny at all. Especially when your snoring keeps everyone else up.




I finally admitted I had a problem when my wife told me she watches me at night to make sure I start breathing again when my snoring is so bad it pauses my breath. I had convinced myself the nasal strips would do the trick.


The serious side of snoring

Not all people who snore suffer from sleep apnea. The only way to tell for sure is to participate in a sleep study. Even if your snoring isn't related to sleep apnea, it can be disruptive to your own ability to get a restful night of sleep and that everyone else within earshot.

It's not just an annoyance; not sleeping enough can impact your mood, your health, and the health of your relationships. Left untreated, snoring can develop into a sleep disorder.




Things that can make your snoring worse

If you always exercise; if you never over-eat; if you never have one drink too many; and if you're Body Mass Index is excellent, you don't have to worry much about making your snoring worse. Lucky you.

Unfortunately, the rest of us may not always be on-point with all of these factors. The one inescapable condition is that we all get older, and that usually means things will worsen for people who snore.


What causes snoring?

Snoring can be a result of the anatomical features of your throat, sinuses, and throat. During sleep, the tissues in your throat can relax and partially block your airway. Nasal congestion can also contribute to this.

The experts at the Mayo Clinic believe nearly everyone snores now and then, but for some people, it can become a chronic condition. In their research, they have found that snoring is often connected with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. According to the Mayo Clinic, "Not all snorers have OSA, but if snoring is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, it may be an indication to see a doctor for further evaluation for OSA:"


  • Witnessed breathing pauses during sleep
  • Morning headaches
  • Sore throat upon awakening
  • Restless sleep
  • Gasping or choking at night
  • High blood pressure
  • Your snoring is so loud it's disrupting your partner's sleep


Here's how adjustable mattresses help to stop snoring

  1. Elevate to alleviate Reducing snoring by raising your head using a stack of pillows or a wedge of some sort is a well-known remedy. With an adjustable bed base and mattress, this is as easy as pushing a button. Raising your head and torso to exactly the right level will help keep your airway clear, and this can reduce and sometimes even stop the snoring.  
  2. Achieve neutral body position – Commonly known as the zero-gravity position; this involves raising your legs and head above your stomach. During the space program, scientists confirmed this position as the ideal for restful sleep. Of course, you can try to do this without an adjustable bed frame, but it's not easy. You might spend most of the night trying to balance yourself so you don't fall off the bed.
  3. Select your sleep position – Even though sleeping on your back or your stomach is the way babies like to sleep, when we get older, snoring makes this very difficult. If you like to sleep on your side, you can still benefit from raising your torso and head. Specially-made adjustable mattresses with memory foam will accommodate side sleepers so that they can sleep on their side as well as elevate the mattress. Lots of habitual side sleepers are able to sleep on their backs again once they elevate their torso and head with an adjustable bed.
  4. Relieve nasal congestion and sinusitis – If you've ever had to bend down when you have a cold, you know how worse your nasal and sinus congestion can be. Elevating your head and torso can help relieve this, and that means less snoring. It's as easy as pushing a button to adjust your bed to exactly where it will help.
  5. Better digestion = better sleep – An upset stomach may not reduce your snoring, but it can disrupt your sleep. We can't always eat four or five hours before we go to sleep. Lying flat on your back can make it more difficult to digest and increase the chance of heartburn or GERD. Here too, elevating your head and torso can help you sleep by helping your digestive system handle a late dinner.




Some unexpected benefits of an adjustable bed and adjustable mattress

Let's say you love the idea of an adjustable bed, but your sleeping partner is dead set against it. No problem at all. You can keep everyone happy with a split king. You can adjust your side to your heart's content while your partner doesn't.

Some adjustable mattresses are available with a massage feature. If you've never experienced this before, it's worth checking out at your local mattress retailer.



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