The Ideal Mattress for Your Growing Teenager

The Ideal Mattress for Your Growing Teenager

  A good night's sleep is essential for people of all ages. But it is even more crucial during the teenage years when rapid growth and development occur. According to scientific research, teens need between 8 and 10 hours of sleep daily to function optimally. And while getting a good night's rest may not be widely recognized as a big deal, studies have found that teens who get little sleep are more likely to struggle at school. The reason is, being tired affects memory, concentration, and motivation. Teenagers and Sleep Teens need sleep for profound physical, mental, emotional, and social development. According to the Sleep Foundation, sleep: Benefits the brain and promotes memory, attention, and analytical thought Promotes emotional health and boosts teen mood Empowers the immune system, enables tissue and muscle recovery, and regulates hormones Improves decision-making Reduces accidents and injury But teens aren’t getting enough sleep for various...
Kevin Spencer - Jun 23, 2023
How a Newborn's Sleep Schedule Can Impact Your Relationship & How to Adapt

How a Newborn's Sleep Schedule Can Impact Your Relationship & How to Adapt

  As a new parent, you are no stranger to the joys and challenges of navigating a newborn's sleep schedule. With your bundle of joy waking up every 2-3 hours, you're coming up short on the recommended 7-9 hours of nightly sleep. This can lead to physical exhaustion, mental fatigue, and emotional strain, not to mention the impact it can have on your relationship. The sleep deprivation accompanying caring for a newborn can test even the strongest bonds between couples. If it's any consolation, you are not alone. The tension in your relationship is normal as new parents, especially as you work to survive the first few months of fatigue that come with newborn care. But the good news is that these difficulties are temporary and can be overcome with patience and understanding. Adapting to your newborn sleep schedule requires teamwork and communication. This article will highlight some of the most common challenges that new parents face and...
Kevin Spencer - Jun 09, 2023
From Chaos to Comfort: How The Family Bed Transformed Our Sleep

From Chaos to Comfort: How The Family Bed Transformed Our Sleep

Bed-sharing among family members has been a centuries-old practice driven by economic necessity, cultural traditions, and practicality. Ancient cultures valued communal sleeping as a way to foster closeness and strengthen bonds within families. Living and sleeping in close quarters brought families together both literally and figuratively.  During the medieval period, cramped living conditions made bed-sharing more of a necessity. Entire families, including servants, slept in the same room on beds or raised pallets. As living standards improved in the 18th and 19th centuries, individualized sleeping arrangements started to emerge, and this gave birth to the “master bedroom” concept. In the 20th century, home builders accommodated the trend of individualized sleeping with multiple bedrooms for a single family. In some ways, a separate bedroom for each family member became a symbol of wealth. Ever since, society has continued to progress.     What Cell Phones and Separate Bedrooms Have In Common How many...
Kevin Spencer - Apr 27, 2023
10 Simple Steps to Improve Your Overall Sleep Quality

10 Simple Steps to Improve Your Overall Sleep Quality

  The results are in. We have the receipts. Getting enough high-quality sleep is essential to our physical and mental health. Period. No one can be sure when or how we became careless about sleep, but we must come to our senses. Sleep deprivation and poor sleep can catch up to all of us, regardless of age.    Conditions Linked to Poor Sleep According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, insufficient sleep has been connected to several chronic diseases:   Diabetes Insufficient sleep is a contributing factor to an increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes. The amount and quality of sleep are considered predictors of Hemoglobin A1C levels. This is recognized as an essential marker of blood sugar. In addition, type 2 diabetes can itself be a contributing factor to a list of other conditions with severe consequences.      Cardiovascular Disease In simple terms,...
Kevin Spencer - Jan 20, 2023
Why The Family Bed is the Best Oversized Bed in America!

Why The Family Bed is the Best Oversized Bed in America!

  It’s more than a family-size mattress. It’s the biggest bed by far. It’s made right here in Texas, and all our customers with families rave about it. Let’s take a closer look at the Family Bed to see why so many people love it.   The Family Bed Is the Biggest Bed By Far Alaskan King, Wyoming King, and all the rest of the wannabe-king size beds simply can’t measure up to The Family Bed by Taylor & Wells. See for yourself below. The Family Bed is by far bigger, and The Family Bed XL is even bigger at a full 12 feet wide!      No Math Required The Family Bed 10 Mattress is 120 inches wide(That’s 10 feet wide.) and 80 inches long.  The Family Bed XL 12 Mattress is 144 inches wide(That’s 12 feet wide.) and 84 inches long. (Fun fact: The Vatican is considered the...
Kevin Spencer - Jan 06, 2023
What Are the Benefits of Having an Oversized Bed?

What Are the Benefits of Having an Oversized Bed?

Are you kidding? This is America, and bigger is in our blood! Bigger is always better, and when it comes to beds –  Nothing is bigger than The Family Bed by Taylor & Wells.   Families That Have Fun Together – Stay Together The more quality time you spend with your family early on, the more cherished memories you create. Today, life is more fast-paced than ever, so you don't have a lot of time to create family moments. Sharing mornings and having fun with everyone in the same bed on special occasions, weekends, and holidays will make memories that last a lifetime. Children grow up fast, and there are only a few special years. A Family Bed can help you make the most of them.     Movie Nights Are Family Bed Nights  What's more fun than watching your family favorites with everyone in the same bed? Of course,...
Brandi Johnston - Dec 22, 2022
Will Daylight Savings Time Become Permanent in 2023?

Will Daylight Savings Time Become Permanent in 2023?

It’s anyone’s guess whether or not we’re finally going to abandon a well-meaning but brutal practice of sleep deprivation. On March 15th of this year, the US Senate successfully passed the Sunshine Protection Act to eliminate DST (Daylight Savings Time) starting January 2023. Unfortunately, the House of Representatives has yet to move it forward. I believe the consensus is that they’d like to sleep on it. But, wouldn’t we all enjoy a little more sleep?     Ben Franklin Started This Whole Thing As A Joke Don’t blame our farmers. They had nothing to do with it. Back when Ben Franklin served as our envoy to France (1776 - 1785), he wrote a piece of satire that included ridiculous suggestions like firing off cannons at dawn to awaken people and taxing window shutters so that citizens would be discouraged from closing them to sleep in.  At the time, Ben came...
Kevin Spencer - Dec 09, 2022
Why Does Eating Thanksgiving Dinner Make Me So Sleepy?

Why Does Eating Thanksgiving Dinner Make Me So Sleepy?

How long have we been hearing about how the tryptophan in turkey makes us sleepy at Thanksgiving dinner?  “Oh honey, can I help clean up later? I ate too much turkey.” “Shovel snow? Outside? Now? But I ate too much turkey.” “No, no. I wasn’t sleeping in front of the tv. I was just resting my eyes. It was all that turkey.”     Finally, the Truth About Turkey It’s a fact. The amino acid tryptophan, that’s found in turkey, makes us sleepy. But the truth is there are many foods high in tryptophan. Here is a list:   Milk - 732mg per quart Canned tuna - 472mg per ounce Turkey - 410mg per pound Oats - 147mg per cup Cheese - 91mg per ounce   Turkey Has An Accomplice So if the turkey isn’t absolutely loaded with tryptophan, then what is it that makes us sleep? Could the masked...
Kevin Spencer - Nov 17, 2022
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