Should You Join the Family Bed Movement?

Should You Join the Family Bed Movement?

One of the battles in the “mommy wars” is where babies and children should sleep. Some parents believe the crib is the best place for safety, privacy, and independence reasons, whereas others propose that co-sleeping – or more particularly, bed sharing – is better due to bonding and convenience. Another term for the support of co-sleeping is the family bed movement. Why the Movement? The purpose of this movement is to encourage families to sleep together in the same bed. It generally only applies to babies and young children, though some families with children of all ages may still enjoy the practice. It’s not new to humankind. Our ancestors used to all sleep together for warmth and protection, as well as due to lack of space or money for individual rooms and beds. The Family That Dozes Together Grows Together Sharing a bed may sound unappealing to some, but it...
Kevin Spencer - Apr 05, 2018
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Should You Join the Family Bed Movement?

Should You Join the Family Bed Movement?

One of the battles in the “mommy wars” is where babies and children should sleep. Some parents believe...
Apr 05, 2018


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