You’ve committed to buying a new mattress, but you’re overwhelmed by all the options available. Size is a relatively straightforward decision. Determine how the bed will be used and size will follow. Mattress Sizes Crib/Toddler – 27" x 52" – Crib sizes designed for young sleepers are reasonably firm and quickly outgrown. When kids are about two years old, parents size up to a twin bed for its compact size, or a full bed that will last through the teen years. Twin – 38" x 75" – The smallest adult mattress size, twin, or single, mattresses are good when space is at a premium. Typically used in bunk and trundle beds, their 75-inch length is too small for taller adults. Twin XL – 38" x 80" – Twin XL mattresses, prevalent in college dorms, are about as long as a king or queen, offering more legroom than a single. Full...
Kevin Spencer
Jun 10, 2018