The Benefits and Drawbacks of a Memory Foam Mattress

The Benefits and Drawbacks of a Memory Foam Mattress

Buying a new mattress is a major decision, the effects of which (good or bad) can last for many years. You want a comfortable mattress that will afford you a restful night's sleep for many years to come. Among the most popular types of mattresses are memory foam and innerspring mattresses, but how do the two compare, and which one is right for you? What Is Memory Foam? Memory foam is a viscoelastic material that was developed by NASA in the 1960s for use in airplane seats. Its name comes from the fact that it returns to its original shape after the pressure on it has been released. Memory foam is a soft material that was developed to absorb energy and distribute body weight evenly. Because of these qualities, memory foam was soon put to other uses. Eventually, it came to be used for mattresses made entirely out of memory...
Kevin Spencer - Jul 20, 2018
How to Buy a New Mattress

How to Buy a New Mattress

Thinking of visiting a mattress store before purchasing a new mattress? You're not alone. Many people prefer to start their mattress purchase in store rather than online. It's a smart move; a mattress retailer may make claims about mattress comfort or durability, but until you test out a mattress for yourself, you won't know if it is going to suit your specific needs. Here are a few things to know before you go. When to Buy a New Mattress Mattresses typically come with estimates of their life expectancy, which can be anywhere from six to 15 years. These estimates should be regarded not as a prescription but as a guideline to give you a general idea of how long your mattress should last. In other words, you should replace your mattress when it is no longer comfortable, regardless of whether it falls short of the expected expiration date. What Kind of Mattress...
Kevin Spencer - Jul 10, 2018
The History of the Mattress

The History of the Mattress

You’ve slept on one almost every night of your life. It’s critical to a good night’s sleep and your overall health. But how did the mattress come to be and what do modern versions offer? Early History The word mattress comes from an ancient Arabic word pronounced matrah, meaning “something thrown down.” According to the Smithsonian, the oldest mattress in the world dates to nearly 77,000 years ago. During the Middle Eastern crusades of the eleventh century, Europeans saw local Arabs sleeping on cushions on the floor and adopted the practice in their home countries. Centuries of Straw From their early introduction into Western civilization until the mid-nineteenth century, mattresses were made at home from materials on hand like straw, horse hair and feathers piled beneath a simple cloth or blanket. Some beds were placed on the floor, while others were built on a platform of wood, crisscrossed rope or...
Kevin Spencer - Jun 22, 2018
Choosing Mattress Size

Choosing Mattress Size

You’ve committed to buying a new mattress, but you’re overwhelmed by all the options available. Size is a relatively straightforward decision. Determine how the bed will be used and size will follow. Mattress Sizes Crib/Toddler – 27" x 52" – Crib sizes designed for young sleepers are reasonably firm and quickly outgrown. When kids are about two years old, parents size up to a twin bed for its compact size, or a full bed that will last through the teen years. Twin – 38" x 75" – The smallest adult mattress size, twin, or single, mattresses are good when space is at a premium. Typically used in bunk and trundle beds, their 75-inch length is too small for taller adults. Twin XL – 38" x 80" – Twin XL mattresses, prevalent in college dorms, are about as long as a king or queen, offering more legroom than a single. Full...
Kevin Spencer - Jun 10, 2018
Which Mattress Is Best For You?

Which Mattress Is Best For You?

You spend a lot of time sleeping, and when you’re ready to lay your head down for the night, it’s best that you do so on a mattress that’s as comfortable as possible. To that end, Bedding Mart is here to offer a useful shopping guide for mattresses to ensure that you enjoy the best quality of sleep possible no matter your specific desires. Focus on the Three Types To help you narrow down your options, you should know that whenever you go to a mattress store, there are mattresses of three different types, including: Adjustable air, which is a good option if you like the idea of inflating your mattress to the perfect level of firmness. Foam, which is ideal for sleepers with joint or back pain and need something that contours to their body. Innerspring, the most traditional selection that contains steel coils and might have infused gel,...
Kevin Spencer - May 10, 2018
The Bed That Brings the Family Together

The Bed That Brings the Family Together

Whether you co-sleep with your babies, or your little ones climb into your bed at night when they’re scared, are you tired of getting kicked out of your own bed? It feels as if kids at night turn into giants who take up the whole sleeping area or move around incessantly, keeping you awake. You may be thinking about no longer opening up your bed to your children, but with The Family Bed, you can continue the tradition. The Solution to Family Sleeping and Quality Time The Family Bed is a huge mattress that can fit your entire family comfortably on it. You have three sizes to choose from to ensure maximum space: 9 feet (double full), 10 feet (double queen), or 12 feet (double California King). You can use your new bed for more than just sleeping, too. It’s also perfect for watching movies, reading books, video chatting with...
Kevin Spencer - Apr 12, 2018
Should You Join the Family Bed Movement?

Should You Join the Family Bed Movement?

One of the battles in the “mommy wars” is where babies and children should sleep. Some parents believe the crib is the best place for safety, privacy, and independence reasons, whereas others propose that co-sleeping – or more particularly, bed sharing – is better due to bonding and convenience. Another term for the support of co-sleeping is the family bed movement. Why the Movement? The purpose of this movement is to encourage families to sleep together in the same bed. It generally only applies to babies and young children, though some families with children of all ages may still enjoy the practice. It’s not new to humankind. Our ancestors used to all sleep together for warmth and protection, as well as due to lack of space or money for individual rooms and beds. The Family That Dozes Together Grows Together Sharing a bed may sound unappealing to some, but it...
Kevin Spencer - Apr 05, 2018
Showing 177 - 183 of 183 results

Featured Posts

The Benefits and Drawbacks of a Memory Foam Mattress

The Benefits and Drawbacks of a Memory Foam Mattress

Buying a new mattress is a major decision, the effects of which (good or bad) can last for...
Jul 20, 2018
How to Buy a New Mattress

How to Buy a New Mattress

Thinking of visiting a mattress store before purchasing a new mattress? You're not alone. Many people prefer to start their...
Jul 10, 2018
The History of the Mattress

The History of the Mattress

You’ve slept on one almost every night of your life. It’s critical to a good night’s sleep and...
Jun 22, 2018
Choosing Mattress Size

Choosing Mattress Size

You’ve committed to buying a new mattress, but you’re overwhelmed by all the options available. Size is a...
Jun 10, 2018


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