Our Top 5 Mattresses for Kids

Our Top 5 Mattresses for Kids

Studies show peaceful and restful sleep is more important to children than any other age group. Proper mental and physical growth in children occurs in large part during sleep. The quality and duration of their sleep also impacts their general health, well-being, and energy levels throughout the day for sports, studies, and emotional development. It is during their all-important sleep that their bodies develop fastest, from bones to hormones, brain cells to physical makeup. Of course, kids being kids, they can fall asleep just about anywhere. But should they? Once you realize how crucial the quality of their sleep is to their development, you can do so much to help your child. “Hand-me-downs” and “old-school” mattresses don’t cut it anymore and they don’t come close to providing the comfort and support of today’s quality mattresses.     If you are a parent looking for the best mattress options for your...
Brandi Johnston - Apr 21, 2021
Does Thickness Matter in a Mattress?

Does Thickness Matter in a Mattress?

The market is replete with a variety of mattresses of all thicknesses – from 2 inches to 18-inches and counting! The general perception is that thick mattresses are more comfortable, long-lasting and great for regular use.   Even in stores, the thickest mattresses garner the most attention and customer preference. After all, they’re perceived as more luxurious. But are thicker beds what we need? Is there a connection between the thickness of mattresses and sleep quality? To explore these and other questions, we have to first take a look at the different kinds of mattresses in use.   What is the Connection Between Mattress Thickness and Sleep Quality?   Although there is no golden rule, the general consensus is that thicker mattresses offer better sleep quality because they are costlier. However, this is not always true. Single sleepers and side sleepers don’t need thicker mattresses for better sleep. The materials...
Kevin Spencer - Apr 09, 2021
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Different Sleeping Positions

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Different Sleeping Positions

  After experiencing a year of drastic changes in the way we live our day-to-day lives, the Coronavirus has created a lot of extra stress for people. Scientists and therapists alike prescribe several activities to relieve stress for people. One of those activities is simply getting a good night’s sleep. Although, getting a proper, good night’s sleep can sometimes be difficult, especially if you live in an active household. If that sounds like you, check out another one of our recent articles about how to get good sleep in an active house.      When it comes to sleeping, however, everyone seems to have their favorite sleeping position that feels most comfortable to them. What some people may not know is that their sleeping position may actually be the reason why they aren’t able to achieve a good sleep during the night. It may also be the reason why they...
Brandi Johnston - Mar 31, 2021
Do Mattress Protectors Work To Protect My Bed?

Do Mattress Protectors Work To Protect My Bed?

  Many of us know that having a quality mattress is extremely important when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. That is why it always pays off to invest your hard-earned money into a quality mattress right from the start. A new, high quality mattress might appear a little expensive at first, but when you consider the mattress’s durability and its ability to outlast the offering from the less expensive brand, that high quality mattress is poised to save you money in the long run. Now, that's not to say there aren’t any well-priced AND high-quality mattresses on the market today. For instance, the super affordable and American made Taylor & Wells mattresses are sure to please your pocketbook while remaining extremely durable and comfortable.     Why should I purchase a mattress protector with my new bed?   The decision to purchase a new mattress is never...
Kevin Spencer - Mar 23, 2021
Do You Need To Get A King Size Mattress?

Do You Need To Get A King Size Mattress?

  Everyone needs sleep. Sleep is essential for immune functioning, improved cognitive performance, and for the formation of new memories.    Still, we struggle with getting enough quality sleep every day. It is estimated that more than 50 million Americans battle with chronic sleep disorders every year, while nearly 20-30 million will suffer with intermittent sleep issues of some kind during the same amount of time.    Stress is the number one cause for sleepless nights. Spending the night tossing and turning on top of a small, outdated mattress, only makes matters worse. The last thing people need, especially during times of high stress, is to be even more stressed out from not getting a good quality night sleep on their old, worn-out mattress.           Challenges like having an active family, a demanding job, going to school full time, or even coping with a disability, getting...
Kevin Spencer - Mar 17, 2021
7 Tips for Better Sleep in an Active House

7 Tips for Better Sleep in an Active House

  Many of us lead very active lives, juggling responsibilities like going to work, taking care of the house, and spending time with family--and that doesn't even include trying to find the time for a personal hobby. However difficult our daily schedule may be, many of us are still able to find ways to relax and hopefully get rid of some of that stress. Part of that recharge is being able to get a good night sleep at the end of a long, hard day. Unfortunately, though, some people just aren’t able to get enough sleep, especially in such an active house. For those of us who haven’t been there ourselves, it can be pretty easy to imagine what a household with a number of children--all of whom have their own activities and needs--may look like. Or even just a household with a bunch of roommates, all actively living their...
Brandi Johnston - Feb 26, 2021
Can the Wrong Mattress Hurt Your Spine?

Can the Wrong Mattress Hurt Your Spine?

At the end of a long, hard day there is almost nothing better than falling into bed for a good night’s sleep. Perhaps even better still than going to bed is being able to wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to tackle whatever the day may bring your way. However, while that may be true for a good amount of people, there are still millions of American’s who wake up every morning with pain in their spine, lower back, and neck. Unfortunately, back pain is the leading cause of disability and missed days at work in our country. It is estimated that nearly 46 million Americans suffered from a recent episode of back pain within the last year. For those millions of Americans, it is quite possible that there is something more at play, especially when it comes to the underlying cause of any unexplained back...
Brandi Johnston - Feb 08, 2021
Where Do Mattress Size Names Come From?

Where Do Mattress Size Names Come From?

For those who have ever been curious and looked in to the origins of the bed, they know that mattresses have a rather interesting history. As long as humans have been around, we have always needed a place to sleep. Mattresses have changed a lot since the dawn of time and creation of man, starting with piles of vegetation and debris in the damp corner of some cave, evolving to the ever classy, stately, and royal four poster bed anchoring the center of a massive bedroom chamber occupying the corner of a house.     The modern day mattress that most of us are familiar with didn't really become widespread and popular until Zalmon G. Simmons began mass-producing them in 1926. Even though they cost $40, an amount comparable to nearly $575 today, they were so comfortable that millions of Americans began purchasing mattresses from him. Even though mattresses like...
Kevin Spencer - Dec 16, 2020
Showing 49 - 56 of 74 results

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