Fight Against Bed Sweating With Cooling Beds

Fight Against Bed Sweating With Cooling Beds

The importance of getting a good night’s sleep is becoming even greater with all the additional responsibilities that seem to come with living the fast-paced life of our modern world. Unfortunately, many Americans seem to struggle with this, as it is estimated that nearly 1 out of every 3 adults do not get enough sleep in our country. While there are many factors that may contribute to this staggeringly high amount of people, one area of major concern is excessive sweating while sleeping, otherwise commonly known as night sweats.   A recent study found that excessive bed sweating while sleeping, or night sweats, affected nearly 41% of people within a 30 day timespan. There are many simple explanations as to why one may experience excessive bed sweating at night. This could be from eating spicy foods or drinking hot beverages just before bed, hot weather or a warm sleeping environment,...
Brandi Johnston - Aug 17, 2020
How to Keep Your Mattress in Great Shape

How to Keep Your Mattress in Great Shape

The majority of us know what it feels like to go mattress shopping, all in the hopes of finding the perfect replacement for that tired, dirty old bed you have been sleeping on. I mean, why go through all that effort and spend that much money on a new mattress just to end up not enjoying it, especially considering that you’ll be sleeping on it every night? What happens if you really enjoy your new bed, but you forgot how to keep your mattress in great shape?   Sometimes, finding that perfect match is easy, usually for the less picky sleeper, and other times it can be a real pain in the back to try and find that perfect fit. Either way, surely there must be a better way to keep your new mattress in good shape for longer, right? Well, thankfully, there is!     Here are 10 tips...
Brandi Johnston - Jul 30, 2020
World's Most Unique Mattresses

World's Most Unique Mattresses

Humans have always needed a place to sleep. In the most ancient of times, a bed could have looked something like a pile of leaves and twigs shoved into the corner of a cave. Since then, beds and mattresses have begun taking on a more modern and comfortable approach as we began to understand the importance of getting a good night's sleep. From our understanding, this all started with the ancient hunter gatherers of Africa who wove mattresses out of insecticide repelling leaves, leading up to the raised beds of the Egyptians and even the luxurious 4 poster canopy beds that later followed in the medieval and renaissance eras. Since the evolution of human kind, it's not hard to imagine that we have come up with some pretty interesting ways to lay our heads down at night. We are going to take a look at some of the most imaginative,...
Alexander Mohamed - Jul 01, 2020
10 Tips to Stop Sweating in Bed

10 Tips to Stop Sweating in Bed

We all know the winning combination to a perfect night’s sleep. It usually begins with a comfortable mattress, whatever that may mean for you, and a well supporting box spring. Then, depending on the person, you may opt for a down feather blanket, or maybe even just a set of sheets, along with your favorite type of pillow; basically whatever it is that makes you feel most comfortable when trying to fall asleep. Well, what happens even if you have everything that makes it easier and more pleasant for you when you go to sleep, only to find yourself still waking up in the middle of the night covered in sweat? Surely, there is no more of an uncomfortable feeling then when you are woken up from an otherwise good night's sleep drenched in your own sweat.     What are night sweats? Should I be concerned about my health?...
Brandi Johnston - Jun 29, 2020
What is the History of the Bed?

What is the History of the Bed?

Ever since the dawn of time, and the evolution of man, surely, there is one thing that we can all agree upon; humans have always needed sleep for one reason or another. The history of the bed really shows how far we have come as a human race. Although the science behind why humans really need sleep to begin with still remains rather unclear, there is one thing for certain, without it we wouldn't be able to function the same. Research shows that getting a good night's sleep has a wide range of health benefits, including improved memory and information retention, along with being able to rest and rejuvenate our muscles, and regulate hormone production. Some serious side effects of not getting enough sleep include things like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and sometimes even heart failure. Simply put, without it, we would all be in much less healthy state...
Brandi Johnston - Jun 25, 2020
Have Mattresses Become A Status Symbol?

Have Mattresses Become A Status Symbol?

Since the dawn of time, humans have needed a place to sleep. Even before the advancement of modern technology, and society as we know it, we have understood the necessity of getting a good night’s sleep. Throughout history, humans have constantly been evolving, and right along with us, the mattress. In the earliest of days, humans initially settled for sleeping on the ground and, now, at the heart of good rest lies the mattress.  A brief history of bedding in human civilization.   The first “beds” were created by our nomadic hunting and gathering ancestors. During prehistoric times, man was often unable to construct a shelter due to lack of knowledge and tools. This led to them constantly being on the move and often finding shelter in caves to stay safe from harsh elements or dangerous wildlife. It was common for them to dig holes in the ground, sometimes with...
Kevin Spencer - May 23, 2020
Why Shopping Local Is So Important

Why Shopping Local Is So Important

In today’s modern world, where shopping is literally at your fingertips, we know how easy it can be to forget the impact that buying foreign products has, not only on the local economy, but the economy in other countries as well. Buying foreign goods has a much larger impact on the world than what the average consumer may be aware of. While it may seem as though buying products online, or products that are imported from other countries, is the better option, that simply isn’t the case. Just because these products are cheaper and may feel temporarily better for your pocketbook, doesn’t mean that these purchases won’t have a negative effect on the world around you, not to mention your finances, as well as other areas of your life later on down the road. Many foreign products are cheaper not only because they are constructed from poor quality materials but...
Brandi Johnston - May 08, 2020
Why Should You Buy a Mattress In-Person?

Why Should You Buy a Mattress In-Person?

With the average person spending about one-third of their entire life on a bed sleeping, it’s no wonder that you would want to make the right purchase if you happened to be in the market for buying a new mattress. During this rise in popularity of the online shopping craze, it would be easy to make the decision to buy your new mattress online. While it could seem like the easier option, at least initially, it could very well end up being the wrong decision in the end. It could ultimately leave you having to make that extra trip to the mattress store anyways. So, if you are considering whether to buy your new mattress online, then here are a few reasons why we would suggest going to a brick and mortar store like The Bedding Mart. Availability to try the mattress before buying The problem with buying online, especially...
Kevin Spencer - Mar 11, 2020
Showing 57 - 64 of 66 results

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