Studies show peaceful and restful sleep is more important to children than any other age group. Proper mental and physical growth in children occurs in large part during sleep. The quality and duration of their sleep also impacts their general health, well-being, and energy levels throughout the day for sports, studies, and emotional development. It is during their all-important sleep that their bodies develop fastest, from bones to hormones, brain cells to physical makeup. Of course, kids being kids, they can fall asleep just about anywhere. But should they? Once you realize how crucial the quality of their sleep is to their development, you can do so much to help your child. “Hand-me-downs” and “old-school” mattresses don’t cut it anymore and they don’t come close to providing the comfort and support of today’s quality mattresses. If you are a parent looking for the best mattress options for your...
Brandi Johnston
Apr 21, 2021