What Pillow Size & Type Is Right For My Bed?

What Pillow Size & Type Is Right For My Bed?

  Trying to choose a pillow can be a terribly difficult decision. Few things are more important to a good night’s sleep. And few choices are more individual. When you finally settle on a favorite pillow you wish it could last forever. Unfortunately, that’s not a dream that can come true. Your beloved pillow might wear out. It might be “stolen” by your kids. It might even be snatched away by your favorite pet. Of course, you could get it back, but you may not want to once they’re done with it. How many people have you seen at an airport clutching their favorite pillow? Makes you want to shake your head a little. Yes, it does, right up until your hotel pillow is horrible. Then we all wish we would have packed our own pillow instead of that extra pair of shoes.   Why avoiding neck pain can be...
Kevin Spencer - Jan 12, 2022
The Unseen Benefits To Making Your Bed During Winter

The Unseen Benefits To Making Your Bed During Winter

  Winter Blues – it’s a thing. Whether you live in Alaska or in the south, shorter winter days mean less sunlight and less of the all-important vitamin D our bodies and minds use to stay healthy. Over the last 30 years many scientific studies have shown how shorter days can affect your mood. A significant portion of the US population finds itself feeling winter sadness around holidays. In fact, according to the National Institute of Health, winter blues and a more severe version of it, a type of depression known as seasonal affective disorder can impact the health, productivity and happiness of a surprising number of people this time of year.     What can we do about it? Here’s the good news – there are several ways you can fend off the winter blues. One of the best and easiest ways is to make your bed every morning....
Kevin Spencer - Dec 27, 2021
How Does the Firmness of a Mattress Make a Difference?

How Does the Firmness of a Mattress Make a Difference?

  Your comfort pretty much depends on the firmness level of your mattress. For a pleasant sleep comfort, your mattress should neither be too soft or too hard. Striking a balance between the two is the best way to ensure spine and back support, pressure relief, and a good night’s sleep. Firmness matters because it determines the comfort. Comfort makes bedtime a joy. It also determines whether or not you wake up with pains and aches. If you spend your nights in an uncomfortable position or tossing around trying to get comfortable, it’s only a matter of time before you start feeling the effects. What is mattress firmness?     Firmness refers to how hard or soft a mattress feels. Factors like construction and materials influence how a mattress feels. Mattress firmness is measured on a scale of 1 to 10: 1 being an extremely soft sleeping surface and 10 a very hard surface. Most mattresses...
Brandi Johnston - Sep 18, 2021
Why Does My Mattress Get So Hot?

Why Does My Mattress Get So Hot?

  Nothing spoils a good night's sleep worse than a mattress that sleeps hot. Unfortunately, a mattress getting hot is a common concern for most people, especially during hot months. Like many others, you probably are wondering why this happens. The reason is that some types of mattresses retain a lot of heat, which causes users to have night sweats and restless, sleepless nights. But factors like bedding, room temperature, and individual metabolisms also contribute to making one sleep hot. For example, a hot room is likely to make one sweaty at night. The same applies to beddings that aren’t breathable. But mattresses play the biggest role in how warm a person will ultimately feel.     Memory foam mattresses are particularly notorious when it comes to heat retention and night sweats. That’s because foam is a dense mattress material. It also lacks interconnected air channels. Once the mattress absorbs the heat from...
Kevin Spencer - Jun 16, 2021
Why Do Mattresses Have Tags?

Why Do Mattresses Have Tags?

Like many Americans, you're probably wondering why your mattress has that ominous tag that says, "Do Not Remove This Tag Under The Penalty of Law." What's it all about, and is it really illegal to remove it from your mattress? And why is it even there in the first place? Well, the warning that it's illegal to remove the tags from a mattress is not for you. It is for people who make and sell mattresses – specifically, those who handle the mattress before it reaches you. The Federal Trade Commission's Textile Products Identification Act makes it illegal to remove a tag, stamp, label, or other identification.     The tag serves to assure you, the consumer, that you are purchasing a new, never-been-used mattress. It also tells you what exactly is inside the mattress. But this law wasn't always there until the early 20th century. Before this law came into...
Brandi Johnston - Jun 09, 2021
Do Mattress Protectors Work To Protect My Bed?

Do Mattress Protectors Work To Protect My Bed?

  Many of us know that having a quality mattress is extremely important when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. That is why it always pays off to invest your hard-earned money into a quality mattress right from the start. A new, high quality mattress might appear a little expensive at first, but when you consider the mattress’s durability and its ability to outlast the offering from the less expensive brand, that high quality mattress is poised to save you money in the long run. Now, that's not to say there aren’t any well-priced AND high-quality mattresses on the market today. For instance, the super affordable and American made Taylor & Wells mattresses are sure to please your pocketbook while remaining extremely durable and comfortable.     Why should I purchase a mattress protector with my new bed?   The decision to purchase a new mattress is never...
Kevin Spencer - Mar 23, 2021
The 7 Most Expensive Sheets in the World

The 7 Most Expensive Sheets in the World

Many people would agree that few things compare to the feeling that comes with going to sleep on a comfortable mattress at the end of a long, hard day. Not many things are better than getting a good, restful night of sleep, especially when that good night’s sleep is on a quality, comfortable mattress. Most are aware of the benefits that a good mattress can offer, however, it seems that many often overlook the benefits of other sleep gear, such as a good pillow, a nice blanket, the bed frame and even the quality of your sheets.     While all of these are important, some suggest that the quality of the sheets we use on our beds are even more important because they are what comes in direct contact with our bodies as we are asleep. If you have ever owned a luxury set of sheets with at least...
Kevin Spencer - Jan 21, 2021
What Is Santa’s Bed Made Out Of?

What Is Santa’s Bed Made Out Of?

Wintertime is the most favorite time of the year, at least for a lot of people, especially children. That is because along with building a snowman, hanging Christmas lights, and drinking eggnog by the fireplace is the year-long awaited visit from Old St. Nick, perhaps better known to some as Santa Claus. Santa Claus is the famous jolly, white haired, big-bellied guy in a red suit who climbs down the chimney of people’s houses one night a year, leaving behind presents for the children of the world. Sometimes Santa only leaves presents for children who made the nice list, otherwise you could be left with a lump of coal--which is why it is extremely important to try to be the best you can all year long.     The history of Saint Nicholas Most people know that Santa lives up at the North Pole, but it didn’t always used to...
Brandi Johnston - Dec 20, 2020
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