Do Animals Have Dreams When They Sleep?

Do Animals Have Dreams When They Sleep?

  Yes, they do. Even though we cannot directly observe another being’s dreams, according to many studies, scientists agree that dogs and, in fact, most mammals have dreams. This is something you may have already noticed. If you watch your dog carefully as they sleep, sometimes you can see them moving their paws as if they’re running. Other times you may notice Rapid Eye Movement (REM), and this is one of the most telling signs of being in a dream state.   Snuggling With Your Dog Can Lower Your Blood Pressure It’s just one of the health benefits of interacting with a beloved pet. Studies show petting a cat or dog can lower your blood pressure. Pet owners generally feel calmer when they’re snuggling with their pets.       Petting an animal can also lower your heart rate. Pet owners know this already. No matter how stressful your day starts, the...
Brandi Johnston - Aug 16, 2022
Bedroom Home Improvements Include A New Mattress

Bedroom Home Improvements Include A New Mattress

  How exciting! If you’re thinking of making some improvements to your bedroom, we have some useful tips for you. One of the most important steps in any remodel is to set your expectations at the very beginning. Many remodels take longer than expected, but this can be a blessing in disguise. Unforeseen setbacks can be annoying, but they can also give you some valuable time to reconsider some of your choices. You may want to be more adventuresome in some areas and scale back in others. The more planning you can do ahead of time, the better. Take enough time to enjoy the journey.     Size matters when it comes to your bedroom   The idea of creating a place of comfort and relaxation within the four walls of a bedroom is becoming more and more popular. Having a larger bedroom really helps make this possible. The challenge...
Brandi Johnston - May 18, 2022
The Largest Production Mattress in the US – The Taylor & Wells Family Bed

The Largest Production Mattress in the US – The Taylor & Wells Family Bed

You're probably familiar with the California King Size mattress. But what about the Texas King, Alberta King, and Alaskan King sizes? Maybe not so much. That's because these oversized beds aren't as common as the California king. But if you are looking for more space and comfort, then it's about time to familiarize yourself with these oversized options because they are just what you need. An oversized mattress is any mattress larger than the California king, the largest of the standard mattress sizes. You can choose an oversized mattress for different reasons, most of which we'll cover in this article. But first, here are some considerations when buying a giant mattress.     Price Giant mattresses are often costlier than the standard ones because of the relative lack of demand and the materials used in construction. Expect to pay anywhere between $2,000 and $6000 depending on quality, brand, size, etc. Sleeping position Oversized mattresses also come in...
Brandi Johnston - Nov 01, 2021
Our Top 5 Mattresses for Kids

Our Top 5 Mattresses for Kids

Studies show peaceful and restful sleep is more important to children than any other age group. Proper mental and physical growth in children occurs in large part during sleep. The quality and duration of their sleep also impacts their general health, well-being, and energy levels throughout the day for sports, studies, and emotional development. It is during their all-important sleep that their bodies develop fastest, from bones to hormones, brain cells to physical makeup. Of course, kids being kids, they can fall asleep just about anywhere. But should they? Once you realize how crucial the quality of their sleep is to their development, you can do so much to help your child. “Hand-me-downs” and “old-school” mattresses don’t cut it anymore and they don’t come close to providing the comfort and support of today’s quality mattresses.     If you are a parent looking for the best mattress options for your...
Brandi Johnston - Apr 21, 2021
Do You Need To Get A King Size Mattress?

Do You Need To Get A King Size Mattress?

  Everyone needs sleep. Sleep is essential for immune functioning, improved cognitive performance, and for the formation of new memories.    Still, we struggle with getting enough quality sleep every day. It is estimated that more than 50 million Americans battle with chronic sleep disorders every year, while nearly 20-30 million will suffer with intermittent sleep issues of some kind during the same amount of time.    Stress is the number one cause for sleepless nights. Spending the night tossing and turning on top of a small, outdated mattress, only makes matters worse. The last thing people need, especially during times of high stress, is to be even more stressed out from not getting a good quality night sleep on their old, worn-out mattress.           Challenges like having an active family, a demanding job, going to school full time, or even coping with a disability, getting...
Kevin Spencer - Mar 17, 2021
What Is Santa’s Bed Made Out Of?

What Is Santa’s Bed Made Out Of?

Wintertime is the most favorite time of the year, at least for a lot of people, especially children. That is because along with building a snowman, hanging Christmas lights, and drinking eggnog by the fireplace is the year-long awaited visit from Old St. Nick, perhaps better known to some as Santa Claus. Santa Claus is the famous jolly, white haired, big-bellied guy in a red suit who climbs down the chimney of people’s houses one night a year, leaving behind presents for the children of the world. Sometimes Santa only leaves presents for children who made the nice list, otherwise you could be left with a lump of coal--which is why it is extremely important to try to be the best you can all year long.     The history of Saint Nicholas Most people know that Santa lives up at the North Pole, but it didn’t always used to...
Brandi Johnston - Dec 20, 2020
What Is Co-Sleeping and Why Is It Catching On?

What Is Co-Sleeping and Why Is It Catching On?

  Have you recently heard of co-sleeping but weren’t exactly sure what that meant? Well, then, it certainly seems that you are not alone. Today, co-sleeping is commonly defined as when a child and parent sleep in close proximity to each other.   While there are several arrangements considered co-sleeping, such as an attached side care for a newborn or when parents sleep with the bed of their child in the same room as theirs. Most commonly, though, co-sleeping takes on the form of bed-sharing, which is where parent and child sleep in the same bed. Although co-sleeping has technically been a thing since humans began as it increased our chances of survival, the modern day form of co-sleeping has recently grown in popularity among many households across the USA.   According to recent data, co-sleeping rates have grown to around 25% of parents, a number that has risen over...
Kevin Spencer - Oct 28, 2020
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